Thursday, 5 February 2015

The Process of Success...
We have all started in new roles or jobs...  the elation and excitement comes first then the apprehension about what we need to learn, the new corporate culture, and the new people with whom we'll be working. It is a process we have all been through. I remember my first manager reminding me of the proverb “you have to learn to walk before you can run”. So true...  even our own Donovan Bailey, who held the world record in the 100 meter dash from 1996 to 1999, admittedly grew into success and developed his skills over time.

Even for Donovan, success did not come overnight and few would have guessed he would come out of nowhere and in just under 10 seconds put Canada on top of the track world in the 1996 Atlanta games. Bailey came to Canada at age 13 and even with his tremendous natural ability was cut from track for missing practice and lack lustre performance... preferring to focus on his first love basketball in High School in Oakville. He later opted to pursue a business career but he wondered if he was wasting his athletic potential.
He decided to begin training and competing as a 100m sprinter part-time but without the proper direction he did not reach his potential right away.  Athletics Canada also missed on developing his talent. They didn't take him to either the 1991 worlds or 1992 Olympics. He didn't even run in the relay at the '93 worlds. Not until Glenroy Gilbert, who would later be one of his partners in 1996 Canadian 4 x 100 Gold, introduced him to a coach named Dan Pfaff did Donovan’s star begin to rise. Donovan credits Pfaff’s processes for development with helping him find his way, build on his natural talent, and navigate in a heavily competitive environment... on boarding him to the world of track if you will.
True on boarding is just that a process... an opportunity to focus on the skills and effort needed to reach your potential. We realize you may be relatively new to sales or may come to Metroland with a wealth of experience & natural talent.  Your individual skills and abilities have already been recognized in the recruitment process and that is why we chose you. You too recognized the tremendous opportunities Metroland provides and also chose us. Together we will work toward success for you individually and as a part of the Metroland family.
This year we have launched our newly expanded sales On Boarding process designed to support new sales hires with an initial two week On Boarding session and monthly follow up webinars and in class sessions.
The initial two week session covers Sales Skills training including; understanding Thin Market, Product Positioning, Objection Handling & Closing in the Media & Advertising environment, New Business development, Package & Campaign Selling, Consultative Selling, Layout/Design, Digital Certification, extensive Sales Skills Role Play/Practice & Individual Presentations and Team Competition. Attendees will also gain enhanced self awareness through personal psychometric testing and evaluation using Thomas DISC methodology including 1 on 1 review to plan for success & sales manager post training coaching guides & tools.
Follow up sessions include; Month 2 - Time & Territory Management (2 Hour Webinar), Month 3 - Challenges /Opportunities & Presentation Skills - (Full Day), Month 4 - Negotiation Skills (2 Hour Webinar), Month 5 - Diagnosing Solutions & Individual Customer Analysis (2 Hour Webinar), Month 6 -Consultative Selling & Key Account Management - (Full Day).
When asked what advice he would give Canadian youth who dream of becoming world-class athletes... Donovan responded...  Set no limits to what you can achieve, shoot for the moon, you have unlimited potential and great resources’, get out there train hard and get ready”... Success will follow.