Want to be a more Effective Salesperson?
We all strive to improve our skills on a daily basis. From asking our managers to come on coaching calls with us so we can learn from their unique perspective and feedback to sales training, webinars, books & articles, sourcing self motivation, and setting personal goals to measure our success and growth. I read one such article many years ago that guides us with the nine top habits of highly effective salespeople. I had to hunt to find the content from “Benchmarking the Sales Function” (a report based on a study of 100 top salespeople from small, medium, and large businesses, conducted by Ron Volper Group, White Plains, N.Y.) but I believe you will agree that it was worth it…
Nine Habits of Highly Effective Salespeople
Top Salespeople...
1. Spend 60% to 70% of a sales call letting the customer talk.
2. Are better than others at recognizing and responding to objections--even silent ones.
3. Are more effective than others at identifying and prioritizing customer needs.
4. Typically wait to offer product or service recommendations until after 40% or more of the time has elapsed in the call.
5. Present recommendations more in terms of customer benefits than in terms of product features.
6. Are more enthusiastic than others about attending sales-training seminars.
7. Listen to motivational tapes in their cars and read inspirational books at home.
8. Talk more frequently about what they've achieved than about what they haven't done.
9. Smile more than others do.
Simple truths we all can learn from…
For more conversation on advertising sales success check out our AIM2 “Building on Media Sales Success” course on Tuesday June 5th (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).at the Vaughan Press Center, - 1 Century Place, Woodbridge ON L4L 8R2. To register, email Melanie Facchini at mfacchini@metroland.com or check our complete list of sales courses and webinars on http://www.mymetroland.com